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Third Grade

"Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue." - Plato


In third grade, students will study basic rhythm, pitch-matching, time signatures, listening and analyzing skills, along with learning about the different genres of music, basic composers, and ensemble performances.  Activites will include singing, dancing, movement (gross and fine motor skills), playing instruments, reading poems and stories, composition, writing/drawing, and music related games.A typical 40 minute class consists of:


A typical (40-minute) 3rd grade music class:
1.  A rhythm warm up emphasizing steady beat and basic subdivisions
2.  A melody warm up emphasizing solfege mi-so-la, correct pitch, melodic direction, breath support and blend
3.  A lesson based on the musical skill or concept of the week, taught using a variety of songs, videos, and activities
4.  Time to practice or apply the concept of the lesson, by playing large or small group games, completing practice sheets, or working in centers.

5.  A movement or ensemble activity.

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