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Fifth Grade

Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. ~Berthold Auerbach.​

In fifth grade, students explore musicianship through composition and analyzation of classical, pop, jazz, and folk music. Students focus on writing the notes of the treble clef, notating basic rhythms in various time signatures, and demonstrating proper dynamics, articulations, and singing/playing technique during various ensemble and solo performance activities. Students are also welcome to join the Beach Park Beginner Band.


A typical (48-minute) 5th grade music class:


1. A listening activity focusing on the composer of the month
2. A rhythm warm up emphasizing steady beat and basic subdivisions
3. A melody warm up emphasizing solfege mi-so-la, correct pitch, melodic direction, breath support and blend
4. A lesson based on the musical skill or concept of the week, taught using a variety of songs, videos, and activities
5. Time to practice or apply the concept of the lesson, by playing large or small group games, completing practice sheets, or working in centers.

6. A movement or ensemble activity, or performance of solo or ensemble projects/pieces.

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